Thermax™ 680 Grease is recommended for low speed or high temperature bearings requiring the use of a grease formulated with a heavy base oil.
Thermax™ 680 Grease is a special purpose, ultra-tough, multi-synthetic, aluminum complex EP (Extreme Pressure) grease. It is designed to lubricate equipment requiring grease formulated with a high viscosity base oil.
Thermax™ 680 Grease is formulated with advanced synthetic base oils plus Royal Purple’s proprietary, ç additive technology, which forms a chemical film capable of carrying loads much greater than other EP oils and greases under boundary conditions.
Thermax™ 680 Grease also has very good oxidation stability, greatly resists water washout and provides rust and corrosion protection to both ferrous and nonferrous metals.
Thermax™ 680 Grease excels in bearings or sliding surfaces that operate at low speeds, under heavy loads or shock loads, at high temperatures or in wet environments. Typical applications can be found in steel mills, paper mills or in marine service.
Thermyl-Glyde® gear oil has all the advantages of Synergy® but is recommended where heavy loads, shock loads, low operating speeds and / or high operating temperatures are encountered.
Thermyl-Glyde® is an ultra-tough, multi-synthetic lubricant for severe service gears, bearings, couplings and ways.
Thermyl-Glyde® is noncorrosive to both ferrous and nonferrous metals and rapidly and completely separates from water, preventing the sludge and wear commonly found in wet gear boxes.
Thermyl-Glyde® gains its performance advantage over competing mineral and synthetic oils through its superior blend of synthetic base oils plus Synslide® additive technology, Royal Purple’s unique, proprietary, noncorrosive, EP additive technology.
Thermyl-Glyde® protects gears in severe service applications where other EP oils fail and is recommended for users looking for much longer oil life and significantly improved gear box reliability and performance.
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Royal Purple offers two premium worm gear oils: para-synthetic Synergy® Worm Gear Oil and fully synthetic Thermyl-Glyde® Worm Gear Oil.
Synergy® and Thermyl-Glyde® worm gear oils contain slippery, synthetic molecules plus Royal Purple’s advanced Dynaglyde® additive technology to provide the lubricity and oiliness properties necessary to excel in worm gear lubrication.
Both oils utilize a dense, high molecular weight, synthetic cushioning additive that protects against fatigue failure from sudden shock loads.
Royal Purple’s worm gear oils are noncorrosive to both ferrous and nonferrous metals. (Note: Worm gear manufacturers state that Sulfur-Phosphorous EP gear oils can cause rapid deterioration of bronze worm gears and should not be used.) Their excellent oxidation stability and water separating properties extend oil drain intervals and prevent the formation of sludge that frequently occurs in wet gear boxes.
Thermyl-Glyde® fully synthetic worm gear oil is recommended where heavy loads, shock loads, low operating speeds and / or high operating temperatures are encountered.
Thermyl-Tuff® is recommended for heavily loaded open gears, skid rails, bushings, couplings, bearings, cables, etc., or low speed bearings operating at high temperatures.
Thermyl-Tuff® is a viscous, tacky, semi-fluid lubricant that protects extremely heavily loaded sliding surfaces such as open gears, skid rails, etc., where other EP products perform poorly or even fail.
Thermyl-Tuff® cannot be washed off by water, and its superior, synthetic corrosion inhibitors provide outstanding protection in wet and / or corrosive environments. It is formulated with Synslide®, Royal Purple’s proprietary, noncorrosive, EP additive technology
TECH TIPUltra-Performance® Clear FDA Grease is a colorless, nonstaining, nondrying, biodegradable, aluminum complex H-1 grease. It is authorized by the USDA for use in federally inspected meat and poultry plants.
Ultra-Performance® Clear FDA Grease meets or exceeds the FDA’s CFR Title 21 Section 178.3570 purity regulation and is specifically designed for use in the food processing industry where it may have incidental contact with food.
Ultra-Performance® Clear FDA Grease contains a bacteriostatic agent to retard bacterial and fungus growth. It is extremely water resistant even after frequent wash downs.
Polymer additives provide superior adhesive / cohesive strength to lower friction and protect against high shock loads.